לעמוד החדשות
המצטרף/ת האחרון/ה לארגון נקים טולטול מ- --- דוד בן גוריון וראשית השת"פ עם האויב בשואה עד להפקרות הבטחונית של היום
Governmt; Refreshing; RabiNews; Pessach&After; JExpulison; Books/WebS  
הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> Eish-Eretz Israel Shelanu

עדכונים של נקים:

דברי הנבואה שנכתבו לפני עשרות שנים במבוא לספר "טרגדיה ותקווה"
שני 09.09.24 11:05

המימון של "אחים לנשק" מצביע על מעורבות המוסד בהקמתו כהכנה לפלישה של ה-7 באוקטובר
שלישי 06.08.24 9:40

זהותו של מפקד הימ"מ נחשפת בשלומיאליות שלו עצמו של הצנזורה ושל השב"כ
ראשון 16.06.24 13:00


אוהב את ישראל, אוהב צדק? לארגון `נקים` דרוש נדבן פילנטרופ ולוחם

מעריב חושף ששופטי העליון גונבים מהציבור הטבות מפליגות הכל בניגוד גמור לחוק

רצח רבין:השבכ נעתר לבקשה של נקים לשחרר את פרופ' היס מחובת הסודיות על ניתוח הגופה

בלי בושה: השופטת ורדה אלשיך סידרה למקורבה השופט בדימוס פלפל שכר טרחה של 10 מיליון ש"ח

עמיר מנור, כתב מעריב, הוקלט משקר טרם הוציא כתבה שקרית נגד 'נקים' המיחצנת את רשם האגודות ושותפיו

שחיתות מע' המשפט פורצת את מחסום הקול,ראיון על ארגון נקים בקול ישראל, בייניש, מזוז ושנדר תחת ביקורת

הראל סגל: 'יש אדונים לארץ הזו והדמוקרטיה משרתת אותם ואת האינטרסים שלהם. כל היתר, וזה כולל את רובכם, נתונים במעמד עבדים החיים באשליית אדנות...'

צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה

הצטרף: 15 אוג' 2007
הודעות: 305

הודעהפורסם: שני 06.04.09 13:32    נושא ההודעה: Governmt; Refreshing; RabiNews; Pessach&After; JExpulison; Books/WebS

Governmt; Refreshing; RabiNews; Pessach&After; JExpulison; Books/WebS


See information at the end of this newsletter to subscribe/unsubscribe

* Please encourage your acquaintances to subscribe to EISH-L
* Submit your events and comments at: http://www.eish-l.org/
* Links to Recommended Web Sites: http://www.eish-l.org/links.htm

Shalom, Pessach Same'ach,
* "Merciful Hundred Days?" by Atty Elyakim HaEtzni (H) http://www.inn.co.il/Articles/Article.aspx/8166

* "Can Netanyahu make his bloated Cabinet work?" by David Horovitz http://digital.nationalpost.com/epaper/viewer.aspx

* "Security and Defense: Who's in charge of whom and over what?" by yaakov Katz http://www.jpost.com /servlet/Satellite?cid=1238562897197&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull
* "In Israel, a voice of realism" by Jeff Jacoby http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2009  /04/05/finally_harsh_realism_from_israel/

* "Israel expected to boycott UN Gaza mission investigating alleged "war crimes" by Israel" by Mark Weiss http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1238562901063&pagename=JPAr ticle%2FShowFull

Some 'Good News': * Abbas: "Israel must accept two-state solution if it wants peace talks" http://www.maannews.net/en/index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID=36895

* Assad: "Through war or peace we'll free Golan" by Brenda Gazzar http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1238562888923&pagename=JPAr ticle%2FShowFull

* No Israel exists in Egyptian Foreign Ministry (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/187731

Chagai Segal: "You Killed My Uncle" (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/187719
And see my talkbacks #s 2, 5, 6 and 7, and much more in Dr. Gadi Eshel's http://www.therabinkilling.com

The next Rabin Murder Lecture, in Hebrew, will be delivered in T'koa (Gush Etzion) ON
THURSDAY, Arpril 23 / Nissan 29, 20:00, by Mr. Natan Gefen and Profs. Arieh Zaritsky and Hillel Weiss
See Details in http://www.therabinkilling.com/BRPortal/br/P102.jsp?arc=11954
and much more in http://therabinkilling.com

PESSACH (PASSOVER), 5,769 (2009)
(From: Jacob Richman jrichman@jr.co.il): 152 Passover Hotsites http://www.jr.co.il/hotsites/j-hdaypa.htm
and 80 Cool Passover YouTube Videos http://www.jr.co.il/videos/passover-videos.htm
PS. A resource page linking materials on Birkat HaChama http://www.jr.co.il/hotsites/j-birkat-hachama.htm

BIRKAT HACHAMAH (SUN BLESSING) - ONCE IN 28 YEARS This Year, the 206th cycle of
the sun's full return to the exact place it occupied when it was created on the fourth day of Creation,
ON Erev Pessach, Nissan 14 / April 8 (much rarer than 1/28 yrs), At Sun Rise. Please keep in mind to
* PRAY FOR The immediate release of Yehonatan ben Malka Pollard and all of Israel's captives and MIAs

* The efforts should concentrate on the MKs and influential Rabbis. Please, pass this on
** Meanwhile, Do a A Mitzvah for Jonathan: He can receive only regular snail mail. Please, write to:
Jonathan Pollard #09185-016. c/o FCI Butner. POB 1000. Butner, NC. USA 27509-1000

Whatever you do, TAKE CARE! (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/187547

FRIDAYS in SHDEMA. (For more info: eli7@womeningreen.org.il , http://womeningreen.org/shd.htm)
FRIDAY, April 10 / Nissan 17, at 09:15 - Igor Bialsky on the Iron Curtain falling

SUNDAY, April 12 / Nissan 18 Third Day of Chol HaMo'ed
(a) Celebrate 30 Years of Zionism in the Shomron hills (by ZOA-Israel & Shomron Liaison Office)
leaving the Inbal Hotel at 08:30. This tour will be conducted in English
Reserve, before Erev Chag, with Jeff Daube. Director, Israel Office, ZOA - 0525-380-840, jdaube@zoa.org
Or Shomron Liaison Office (Zionist Organization of America): 03-936-8146, info@yeshuv.org
Tour includes visits to Elon Moreh & Sebastia; Rechelim; Givot Olam; Chavat Gilad; Mitzpe Yosef
Refreshments at the Elon Moreh picnic grounds. See http://www.yeshuv.org/tours/93-zoa.html

(b) Starting 12:00 noon: FAITHFUL VIGIL by the Temple Mount and Eretz Israel Faithful will be held in
"Goren Square", near the Western Wall bus station. Details: 02-625-1112, fax 02-625-1113, 0544-826-175, POB 18325, Jerusalem

Moshe Feiglin to Lead Group to Temple Mount. Explanations in English!
MONDAY, 19 Nissan (April 13). Meet at 07:30 at entrance to Temple Mt. (Consult your rabbi for preparatory guidelines)

THREAT OF IRAN Press Conference with PM-elect Benjamin Netanyahu, 50 minutes, on
THURSDAY, April 16 / Nissan 22 - http://www.theisraelproject.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=hsJPK0 PIJpH&b=4183369&ct=6435163&tr=y&auid=4571820


"The Truth About The Battle on Nabi Samuel and other battles of Yevussi Operation" (Mivtsa Yevussi)
Inaugurarting the book by Dr. Uri Milstein during a TOUR 'after the fighters', to be held ON
Youm HaAtzma'ut, WEDNESDAY, Iyar 5 / April 29, starting at 09:00 (returning around 19:00)
Registration by a cheque (120 NIS; 200/couple; 80/child) to "HaMidrasha HaLeumit Al-Shem Rina Mor",
POB 23317, Tel-Aviv 61231. Details: Shulamit Livnat 0504-299-901; midrasha@netvision.net.il

North-African Jewish and Gentile Fighters During WWII Yom Iyun in Latrun ON
THURSDAY, May 7 / Iyar 13. Details: 02-539-8869, 02-539-8844, tamarf@ybz.orgil.il , www.ybz.org.il
Also at: 03-736-0027, fax 03-635-0767, veteran@jwm.ww2.com

Rally with Shalom International TO KEEP JERUSALEM UNITED, when Pope Benedict visits Israel
May 7-15 / Iyar 13-21 (From Ted Belman 416 256 7597; shalominternational@mindspring.com)
Details: Bob Kunst 305-864-5110, http://www.defendjerusalem.net

Press Conference by Mr. Philippe Karsenty (pk@M-R.fr) of Media-Ratings (www.M-R.fr , + 33 (0)6 60 68 74 85) on
SUNDAY, May 31 / Sivan 8 in Paris, presenting (and answering questions)
The German documentary proving that the news report about the A-Dura story, narrated by
Charles Enderlin and broadcasted by France 2 on Sept 30, 2000, is A FRAUD that sinks France 2
To attend, send your contact info to confpresse@m-r.fr . To be invited, send it to presentations@m-r.fr
Please, spread this message as much as you can. Merci et bientt, Philippe Karsenty

Screenings of the powerful movie about the struggle over Chomesh, Menora Chazani's "Hitnaari"
Contact avi@12tribefilms.org to schedule a home or communal screening for friends and neighbors for the weekend of Parshat Emor, May 9th or 10th, the 30 and 31st days of the Omer.
The deadline for organizing a screening is WEDNESDAY, April 22
Here are some sneak peeks of the movie:
* Menorah Chazani's Personal Struggle http://wejew.com/media/3820/Hitnaari_Sneak_Peak_1
* The identity of Religious Zionism http://wejew.com/media/3787/Hitnaari---Sneak-Peak-2
* A Focus on Settlers and the Media http://wejew.com/media/3788/Hitnaari---Sneak-Peak-3
* Articles in Hebrew about the movie http://www.nrg.co.il/online/11/ART1/674/529.html & http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/164828

* Gush Katif Memorial Museum http://www.gushkatifmuseum.com - 5, Shaarei Tzedek Str, Jerusalem
Open daily from 11:0018:00, and on Fridays between 09:00 13:00
Details: Miryam 0547-381.313, 02-625-5456, mgushkatif@gmail.com . For VIPs 0523-477.701

* Expose "The Mental Preparation for the Disengagement and its aftermath in the IDF"! http://www.mentalpreparation.org specifically: http://www.mentalpreparation.org/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp
* Further info: Dr. Gadi Eshel - gadi.eshel@ptk.co.il , Ruth Eisikowitch - DanE@tauex.tau.ac.il

* Virtual visit on the ruins of Kfar Darom http://maps.yahoo.com/#mvt=h&lat=31.403639&lon=34.355781&mag=4

New Haggadot Shel Pessach:
* based on Prof. Israel Eldad's writings http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2009/03/eldad-haggadah.html
* "Or U'Dror" by Rabbi Chanan Porat (45 NIS from K'far-Etzion Field School bsade@kfar-etzion.co.il)

* "Emet Achat VeLo Shtaiym" by Dr. Ya'akov Cheiruti (H) http://emet-achat.co.il , censored at Steimatsky's
Details: 03-6855-391, 0502-673-303, fax 03-56-5356, emet.achat1@gmail.com

* The Conspiracy by Scoop Ran http://www.f2h.co.il/807102
(Description: Who Murdered Rabin, and Why? [It has also been posted on eish-l website]

* "Think-Israel" January-February 2009 Issue is ON http://www.think-israel.org/

* Obama bows down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gJtIss7xso&feature=related
The man who wants us to establish a 'Palestinian' state a bike-ride away from Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion airport

* "Obama Begins Turnover of USA Sovereignty to International Body" by Sher Zieve http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/9908

Some News from The Movement to Establish The Temple:
http://www.kehilaemunit.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcate gory&id=150&Itemid=43 ,
http://www.eudi.022.co.il/BRPortal/br/P103.jsp?cat=530 ,
http://www.eudi.022.co.il/BRPortal/br/P500.jsp?prs=403 ,
http://www.sosamikdash.cjb.co.il , & http://gideon.022.co.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp


Recent archives can be found at:

To subscribe to this list, send a request to: list@eish-l.org

To unsubscribe from this list, visit the following URL (It should all be on one line):


= = = = = = = Professor Arieh Zaritsky, Ph.D. = = = = = = =
Department of Life Sciences tel: 972-8-6461.712
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (H): 972-8-6499.238
POB 653, Be'er-Sheva, Israel 84105 fax: 972-8-6278.951
mobile: 972-545-955.670 (alt.: ariehzar@gmail.com)
ariehz@bgu.ac.il http://www.bgu.ac.il/life/zaritsky.html
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

חזרה למעלה
צפה בפרופיל המשתמש שלח הודעה פרטית בקר באתר המפרסם

לחץ כאן לפורום החדש על המחדלים המשפטים בחקירת רצח רבין

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הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> Eish-Eretz Israel Shelanu כל הזמנים הם GMT + 2 שעות
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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