לעמוד החדשות
המצטרף/ת האחרון/ה לארגון נקים טולטול מ- --- דוד בן גוריון וראשית השת"פ עם האויב בשואה עד להפקרות הבטחונית של היום
PuriManot; KarsentyLects; YadBinyamin; Manhigut; Elec/Coali-Tion; RestorExpelees! Missions; WebS  
הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> Eish-Eretz Israel Shelanu

עדכונים של נקים:

דברי הנבואה שנכתבו לפני עשרות שנים במבוא לספר "טרגדיה ותקווה"
שני 09.09.24 11:05

המימון של "אחים לנשק" מצביע על מעורבות המוסד בהקמתו כהכנה לפלישה של ה-7 באוקטובר
שלישי 06.08.24 9:40

זהותו של מפקד הימ"מ נחשפת בשלומיאליות שלו עצמו של הצנזורה ושל השב"כ
ראשון 16.06.24 13:00


אוהב את ישראל, אוהב צדק? לארגון `נקים` דרוש נדבן פילנטרופ ולוחם

מעריב חושף ששופטי העליון גונבים מהציבור הטבות מפליגות הכל בניגוד גמור לחוק

רצח רבין:השבכ נעתר לבקשה של נקים לשחרר את פרופ' היס מחובת הסודיות על ניתוח הגופה

בלי בושה: השופטת ורדה אלשיך סידרה למקורבה השופט בדימוס פלפל שכר טרחה של 10 מיליון ש"ח

עמיר מנור, כתב מעריב, הוקלט משקר טרם הוציא כתבה שקרית נגד 'נקים' המיחצנת את רשם האגודות ושותפיו

שחיתות מע' המשפט פורצת את מחסום הקול,ראיון על ארגון נקים בקול ישראל, בייניש, מזוז ושנדר תחת ביקורת

הראל סגל: 'יש אדונים לארץ הזו והדמוקרטיה משרתת אותם ואת האינטרסים שלהם. כל היתר, וזה כולל את רובכם, נתונים במעמד עבדים החיים באשליית אדנות...'

צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה

הצטרף: 15 אוג' 2007
הודעות: 305

הודעהפורסם: שלישי 24.02.09 17:49    נושא ההודעה: PuriManot; KarsentyLects; YadBinyamin; Manhigut; Elec/Coali-Tion; RestorExpelees! Missions; WebS

PuriManot; KarsentyLects; YadBinyamin; Manhigut; Elec/Coali-Tion; RestorExpelees! Missions; WebS


See information at the end of this newsletter to subscribe/unsubscribe

* Please encourage your acquaintances to subscribe to EISH-L
* Submit your events and comments at: http://www.eish-l.org/
* Links to Recommended Web Sites: http://www.eish-l.org/links.htm

Shalom, Chodesh (Adar) Tov,
The month of Adar is a happy month for the Jewish people. On the 14 of the we celebrate the festival of Purim remembering the miracles of the salvation of the Jewish people and the heroism of Mordechai HaYehudi who refused to bow down to other aside for HaShem. We read the book of Ester, eat a festive meal and give gift packages to others.
The Shomron Liaison Office has set out to help people around the world to celebrate Purim by making it happier day for Israeli soldiers on duty guarding thought the Shomron
On http://yeshuv.org/soldiers/ , people can order Mishloach Manot Purim packages of various sizes and have them delivered directly to the soldiers on duty on Purim day.
Purim Samach! David Ha'ivri David Ha'ivri haivri@gmail.com
The Shomron Liaison Office. USA Phone1-512-961-7059
Israel Phone 0526-071-690, http://www.yeshuv.org

A Series of Lecture by Philippe Karsenty (0549-243-561, pk@m-r.fr) entitled:
THE MEDIA-REFLECTING OR DICTATING REALITY, in the evenings. Details: iajlj@goldmail.net.il
TODAY, MONDAY, 23 Feb, 20:30 (in French) in Begin Center, 6 Nahon Str, Jerusalem (registration required at 02-671-4653 or direction@skpisrael.com)
TOMORROW, Tuesday 24 Feb at 15:00 (in English) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Bronfman Hall, Mt. Scopus). No reservation required
TOMORROW, Tuesday 24 at 19:00 (in English) at the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists festive fund-raising gala in Tel-Aviv
For further details about this dinner and if you wish to attend, please write to: iajlj@goldmail.net.il

SHOPPING FOR PURIM IN YAD BINYAMIN by the Gush Katif expellees (From: Women-in-Green [WiG] wfit2@womeningreen.org)
TOMORROW, TUESDAY Feb 24 / Shvat 30 We will leave Jerusalem, Inbal Hotel, at 08:45 am and spend the morning in the shopping center of Yad Binyamin where there will be a special pre-Purim shopping fair
All the different stores in Yad Binyamin are owned by our Gush Katif friends who have rebuilt their lives
We will stay in Yad Binyamin until 12:30 and drive back to Jerusalem in the afternoon.
If you wish to continue with WiG on a busy Eretz Yisrael day, we wil drive to Shdema and meet a busload of
Raanana friends led by our dear friend Ilan Hirshfeld, who will come and visit Shdema at 3:00pm
Please reserve seats on the bus by calling Anita 0505-777-254 or Nadia 0505-500-834

Annual Dinner of Manhigut Yehudit, on
SUNDAY, March 1 / Adar 7, 19:00 in Ramada hotel, Jerusalem
Guests of Honor: Moshe & Tsipi Feiglin. Premier of the film Campaign 2008-9

PRIZES: Katy Cohen (Eshet Chaiyl), Rabbi Mordechai Rabinovitch (Manhigut Rabanit),

Arieh & Julian Zonenberg (HaLev HaYehudi), Im Tirtzu movement (Eretz Israel)

Details & Registration at https://fs8.formsite.com/feiglin/israeldinner/secure_index.html

* Let MK Ayub Kara a Ministry! (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/185964

* Does Liberman want elections or does he act on Livni?.. (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/Flash.aspx/244875

* Netanyahu's three-headed nemesis Caroline Glick http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1235410694246&pagename=JPAr ticle%2FShowFull

* HaIchud HaLeumi: We Shall Return and Settle! (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/185960
PS. To reach this end, Yaakov Katz should get this job (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/185942

* West Bank settlement gets green light for major expansion by Nadav Shragai http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1064503.html

* Gush Katif Memorial Museum http://www.gushkatifmuseum.com - 5, Shaarei Tzedek Str Jerusalem
Open daily from 11:0018:00, and on Fridays between 09:00 13:00
Details: Miryam 0547-381.313, 02-625-5456, mgushkatif@gmail.com . For VIPs 0523-477.701

Documents can be downloaded: * The abstract and its English translation http://www.mentalpreparation.org/documents/Eng/MentalPreparation_in_ID F_for_Disengagement_Abstract.pdf
* The entire report (H, 234 pp) http://www.mentalpreparation.org/documents/Heb/mental_preparation_IDF_ report_B&W_28_07_08.pdf
* Both, and the original (H) http://www.eish-l.org/
* Further info: Dr. Gadi Eshel - gadi.eshel@ptk.co.il , Ruth Eisikowitch - DanE@tauex.tau.ac.il
* The Psychologists Treason by Dr. Gadi Eshel (H) http://www.divshare.com/download/5894094-52b

* Organic Shomron Farms http://www.organics.co.il/scripts/default.asp

* HaKeren LeAdmot Yisrael (The Fund for Israel Land) (replacing KKL!). To Purchase Land
In Eretz Israel, call: 02-6223.195, fax 02-6223.196, israellandfund@gmail.com , ilf1@walla.com

* The Jewish Labor Hot Line To Employ Jews (Avoda Ivrit), call 1-599-588.588, mokedai@gmail.com

* BUY YESHA PRODUCTS. Countrywide Distribution. Contact foryesha@walla.com

* Help The Jewish Shepherds: by cash (to purchase goats) or foods, blankets etc
For Cash, call David Ben-Menachem 052-605.1156; for food etc Ester Eliezer 09-834.8862

Rescue Dogs For Israel, POB 6592 Jerusalem, Israel or online http://www.defendisrael.net/donate.shtml

* MAY 17-MAY 26
Now more than ever, show your support and celebrate YOM YERUSHALAYIM in Yerushalayim and visit the growing communities in Judea and Samaria. Visit the Gush Katif refugees and those in southern Israel under rocket attack. Meet with grass-roots leaders throughout the country and IDF veterans of the Gaza War. Meet with members of the Knesset who share AFSIs commitment to the Land of Israel as the new government settles in and faces hard challenges.
The cost of the land portion of the trip will be approximately $1500. Actual cost to be determined. $500 is due on March 16th and payment in full by April 20th.
Flight arrangements and costs will be the responsibility of the individual participants if booked now we understand that there are bargains available.
Please contact us ASAP to register your interest in the trip so that details can be finalized.
AFSI: 212-828-2424; 1-800-235-3658; afsi@rcn.com

* Birthright guarantees funding through March by Haviv Rettig http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1227702465304&pagename=JPos t%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

* Carlebach / Birthright Israel 10-days Trip (ages 18-26)
Anyone interested in such a trip please contact Steve Eisenberg for more information 212-787.7119

* The Durban Demarche by Melanie Phillips http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/3366311/the-durban-demarche .thtml

* New articles on the Think Israel website http://www.Think-Israel.org

* Jihad TV in Europe by Mark Dubowitz & Roberta Bonazzi http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123490878778903321.html

* Articles by Benny Avni, Gil Hoffman, Mor Altshuler, Melanie Phillips, Charles Krauthammer, Kathy Shaidle, Caroline Glick, Israeli Air Force and the IDF Spokesman, Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Bhupendra Jasani, Gene Warner, Frank Salvato, Herb Denenberg, Michael Freund, Caroline Glick, David Lev, Susan Rosenbluth
http://www.israelunitycoalition.org/news/article.php?id=3658 etc


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To subscribe to this list, send a request to: list@eish-l.org

To unsubscribe from this list, visit the following URL (It should all be on one line):


= = = = = = = Professor Arieh Zaritsky, Ph.D. = = = = = = =
Department of Life Sciences tel: 972-8-6461.712
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (H): 972-8-6499.238
POB 653, Be'er-Sheva, Israel 84105 fax: 972-8-6278.951
mobile: 972-545-955.670 (alt.: ariehzar@gmail.com)
ariehz@bgu.ac.il http://www.bgu.ac.il/life/zaritsky.html
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

חזרה למעלה
צפה בפרופיל המשתמש שלח הודעה פרטית בקר באתר המפרסם

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הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> Eish-Eretz Israel Shelanu כל הזמנים הם GMT + 2 שעות
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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